Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Coffee bread milk japan

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Coffee bread milk japan. Milk bread (also known as Hokkaido milk bread) is a lightly-sweetened Japanese white bread that's incredibly soft and fluffy. Think of it as the lighter, more buttery, and more flavorful version of your classic supermarket white bread. The softest, & milkiest Japanese milk bread, that will make the best sandwiches or dinner rolls!

Coffee bread milk japan The technique for making Hokkaido milk bread involves a water roux (or tangzhong). Japanese milk bread uses tangzhong, a cooked paste of flour and water to increase the moisture content in this loaf, yielding one that rises taller and stays fresher longer. Japanese or Hokkaido milk bread has become the typical stable in Japan, It is as light as a feather and can tear apart like cotton when it is fresh from the oven. Anda Bisa punya Coffee bread milk japan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 5 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.

Bahan-Bahan dari Coffee bread milk japan

  1. ini 300 gr dari tepung protein tinggi.
  2. Anda Perlu 50 gr dari brown sugar.
  3. Anda Perlu 1 btr dari telur (lebih krg 55gr).
  4. ini 150 ml dari susu hangat.
  5. Persiapkan 10 gr dari instant coffee.
  6. Anda Perlu 3 gr dari ragi.
  7. Anda Perlu dari Bahan A.
  8. Anda Perlu 30 gr dari butter/margarin/unsalted butter.
  9. ini 2,5 gr dari garam.

Read on if you are willing to stick your neck out trying something unconventional. Note: This post may contain affiliate links. So much for my gloomy earlier predictions - this turned out looking exactly like the picture! Can't wait to give it a try because it smells wonderful!

Coffee bread milk japan instruksi

  1. Campurkan susu hangat dan kopi instant.
  2. Masukkan ke dalam wadah tepung,ragi,gula aduk rata masukkan telur dan susu aduk sampai menyatu,lalu tambahkan bahan A, mixer sampai kalis elastis,bulatkan dan diamkan sejam sampai mengembang dua kali lipat..
  3. Kempeskan dan timbang 63gr sebanyak 9bh diamkan 15 menit.
  4. Gilas bulatan dan isi dengan coklat meses susun di loyang 20x20,lalu diamkan lg sejam.
  5. Panggang dengan api 170°c selama 12-15 menit sampai matang.

Japanese milk bread is the fluffiest and softest bread loaf ever. It's great on it's own, with some butter, or a little condensed milk. Hi Maryanne, I grew up in Japan and I love this recipe!!! I followed your recipe and it came out great. This bread reminds me of my childhood.