Recipe: Delicious Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫

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Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫. Punya pisang satu tandan dari budhe. Akhirnya tereksekusi jugaaa. aroma peanut chocholate dan kayu manisnya heeemmmm. Sprinkle the banana rolls with confectioners' sugar and serve with the sauce.

Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫 Now when cutting these peanut butter banana roll ups bear in mind the size you want to cut them into. Banana Peanut Butter French Toast Roll-up. Roll each slice of bread flat with a rolling pin. Anda Bisa masak Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫 menggunakan 5 bahan dan 3 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.

Bahan-Bahan dari Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫

  1. ini 3 buah dari pisang raja uk. Kecil-sedang.
  2. ini 3 lbr dari roti tawar.
  3. ini dari Pasta coklat kacang.
  4. ini 1 1/2 sdm dari Mentega cair.
  5. Anda Perlu dari Kayu manis bubuk.

Spread desired amount of peanut butter and bananas along the edge of the bread, and roll up. Grill the tortilla-rolled banana in a warm skillet over medium-high heat. Roll around until it's golden all around. Remove from heat and carefully slice into rounds.

Banana Roll with Peanut Chocholate 🍌🥜🍫 instruksi

  1. Pipihkan roti tawar. Olesi dengan pasta coklat kacang. Tambahkan pisang. Gulung dan padatkan..
  2. Olesi sisi luarnya dengan mentega cair. Kemudian panggang hingga coklat keemasan..
  3. Setelah matang. Angkat dan taburi dengan bubuk kayu manis..

This super thick peanut butter banana smoothie recipe might just become your new favorite snack or breakfast! A peanut butter banana smoothie for a healthy breakfast. I know some people swear by cold cereal for breakfast. But whenever I eat a bowl of cereal, I always seem to be hungry again less. These healthy roll-ups with peanut butter and bananas make eating lunch fun!